2010 New Guideline 1: Three Administrative Sub-regions and WF slots allocation.
Eligibility and administrative sub-regions
1. Each university competing in the Asia Regional Contest is homed in one of three administrative sub-regions based on past participation and geographical location:
Pacific & Indochina Peninsula: Universities in the East Pacific and South East Asia including South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Hong Kong.
Continent East: Universities located in Mongolia, North Korea, Mainland China, and Macau.
Continent West: Universities in Central, South and West Asia including India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Iran, and Nepal.
2. Universities in Central Asia countries may compete at Continent West Sub-Regional Sites with the approval of their home Regional Director. These countries are Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Teams from Azerbaijan and Armenia are also invited to participate contests in Continent West Sub-Regional Sites with the approval of their home Regional Director.
3. Asia will conduct 12-18 Site Contests distributed among these sub-regions.
4. A student can represent only one university.
5. A student may compete in at most two Asia Site Contests, home or not-home sub-region.
6. Each university fielding a team that wins a Site Contest will advance the team to the World Finals if the Contest Site is in the team’s home sub-region. In the event that a university wins more than one Site Contest, the university must decide only one team to represent the university to the World Finals.
WF slot allocation and Administrative sub-regions
7. WF Performance Slots are allocated to the Asia Region from ICPC headquarter based on previous year performance, and WF Participation Slots are allocated to the Asia Region based on the number of students and universities competing in Asia Site Contests. And there are also a few WF bonus slots determined by ICPC headquarter.
8. Students and universities are counted only in their home sub-region. Students are counted only if their team solves at least one problem at a site within their home sub-region. Teams are counted only if they are “Accepted” in the contest site registration.
9. The WF slot used by a team must be from slots allocated to the team’s home sub-region.
If a team wins a contest outside of its home sub-region, the team will not use any slot from that non-home sub-region. That team may use WF slot from its home sub-region or from a contest site in its home sub-region if the approval was secured in advance from both the home sub-region/ appropriate home contest site and the Asia Director.
Simply put it, no WF slots will be used for team from another sub-region. If you attend contest in your home sub-region, you have chance to get WF slot. If you attend contest outside of your home sub-region, you do not have chance to get WF slot unless arrangement has been made by your home sub-region or by the appropriate contest site in your home sub-region. (Please refer to item 11.)
10. The number of WF slots allocated to the entire Asia Region will be assigned to each administrative sub-region and to each contest site according to the following criteria and formula:
(i) From registration score of each contest site (Major factor):
· Number of distinct schools (about 80%);
· Number of distinct teams beyond the 1st team (about 15%);
· Number of Provincial teams and non-host national contest teams
that have registered on ICPC web site ( around 5%).
· The final registration score for each site will be proportionally recalculated based on the registration score of their entire home sub-region.
(ii) For the growth of ICPC Asia (Small factor):
· Geographical balance – may apply only when teams are very close to qualified lines (not automatic).
· Host teams, present and recent past – may apply only when teams are close to qualified lines (not automatic) .
(iii) By Asia Director’s discretion for the growth of Asia Region. (This factor was rarely applied. It may be applied only in special case.)
(iv) The number of the allocated slots used in each contest site may employ the following old formula up to its registration score. This calculation is applicable only to those sites within the same home sub-region:
1.0 for non-repeated domestic teams;
and 0.3/0.5, 0.3/0.6, 0.4/0.7 or x/y (as situation demands) for
foreign teams (x), and repeated-university domestic teams (y).
11. Additional Special Rules for China sites:
Any Asia contest site host may do the same as China Council does by securing approval from Asia Director at least two weeks before the contest date.
New Guideline 2 (Optional and Recommended):
Organization of Judges/Problem Setters Committee
Asia Site Directors at his/her own choice are recommended to adopt one of the following two options for the organization of judges and problem setters committee. If it is difficult for some sites to adopt any option, care of fairness should be taken care of when organizing the judges/problem setters committee.
(a) Option: The problem setters/judges of the host site should be a committee of at least 5 members. If any problem setter/judge committee member expects his/her university team may advance to WF, that member and that university may not contribute more than one contest problem.
(b) Option: No host team can be advanced to WF from the host university site. But the host team may get some preference from other sites. The preference was given to Asia Director to decide. Asia Director will use it to move up that host team by 1 or more ranks in other sites when deciding the WF slots; AND A team cannot be advanced to WF, if the problem setter/judge is from the same university of that team.
Adoption of (a): Hanoi, Kaohsiung, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Dhaka, Seoul and Amritapuri
Adoption of (b): Chengdu, Fuzhou, Hangzhou, Harbin, Tianjin
No Adoption with approved reasons: Kanpur, Tehran, Tokyo
New posting for Asia blog will be in Sina blog
12 years ago